Prenatal Health
CONGRATULATIONS on your pregnancy! It is such an amazing journey and experience to be on. We are so excited for you and would love to be part of your pregnancy experience.
During your pregnancy, your body undergoes drastic changes to accommodate for your growing baby. Prenatal wellness includes a number of aspects including eating a healthy diet (and not succumbing to your cravings! -mine was crunchy chips), sufficient rest and adequate fluid intake, and of course- exercise!
Why is exercise so important during pregnancy?
Research has indicated that a well-balanced aerobic and strength program has the ability to:
Manage and prevent gestational diabetes
Control weight gain during pregnancy, hence increasing body confidence
Improve and enhance your posture, hence reducing pregnancy aches and pains
Help with your birth itself and postnatal recovery
Provide an immune system boost for your baby
Deliver blood and oxygen effectively and more efficiently to your baby and you
Increase your endorphin levels, which helps to reduce stress, anxiety and insomnia
Does exercise during pregnancy help with labour? Yes! It does!
Exercise can:
Help with shortening your first and second stages of labour
Increase your endurance and stamina for labour and birth
Improve your pain tolerance during labour
Decrease your need for intervention during birth