Postnatal Check Up By A Womens Health Physiotherapist
What happens during a pelvic floor assessment appointment?
Womens health physiotherapist Aileen understands that every woman has different needs, priorities and concerns. Aileen listens and care about your well-being and your health.
During your pelvic floor appointment, Aileen takes a thorough history about:
- Bowel or bladder leakage
- Bladder and bowel habits
- Hormonal history
- Gynaecological history
After listening to your concerns, if appropriate and based on your approval, physiotherapist Aileen may complete an internal vaginal examination to assess your:
- Pelvic floor tone, strength and endurance
- Palpate the vagina for scars or and the tone of your vaginal tissues
- Complete a vaginal prolapse assessment
If required to, physiotherapist Aileen would also discuss any further concerns with your bowel or bladder habits, and provide you with a clear management plan and prescribe you with a tailored pelvic floor program.
What are the indications that I require a pelvic floor appointment or my pelvic floor assessed?
These can include:
- Giving birth to a baby weighing more than 4kgs
- Having a complicated birth with instrumental (vacuum or forceps) vaginal birth
- Grade 3 or grade 4 perineal tear
- Having a long second stage (pushing stage) of labour (more than 1hour)
- Decreased confidence and being unsure of their ability to contract pelvic floor
- Symptoms of bladder of bowel leakage during pregnancy or postnatally
- Symptoms of vaginal prolapse during pregnancy or postnatally
If you fall into these categories, we highly recommend that you have a pelvic floor assessment to obtain high quality care to ensure safe return to exercise whilst preventing long-term pelvic floor dysfunction.